Betsy is a beautiful Beagle who was rescued from a laboratory breeder in Ireland; she was saved by the Dog’s Trust when she was sixteen weeks old, just before she was due to be sold to a cruel toxicology laboratory. Betsy was released at the same age as the eldest pups bred by UK-based laboratory dog breeder, MBR Acres.
Betsy is now Beagle Ambassador for the science-based campaign For Life On Earth (FLOE).
Betsy’s nature is the kindest and most loving; her big soulful eyes are so expressive and she loves sharing long meaningful looks with her humans, this is immediately apparent when she first meets you!
Betsy is helping Ricky Gervais and Peter Egan call for the EDM 187 science hearing, because we now know the Government is being entirely misled that experiments on dogs, and other animals, ‘save human lives’. In truth, the medical failure of animal experiments, in the search for human treatments and cures, is very widely reported in the peer reviewed scientific literature, and underlines the reasons why humans never attend vets when they fall ill. Current understanding of science is able to explain exactly why animal tests have a 90% failure rate in human drug trials. [FDA].
The only way to convince the Government that they are being duped by those with a financial vested interest in animal experimentation, is to hold a rigorous public scientific hearing on claims that animals can predict the responses of humans, in medical research and safety testing. This scientific hearing is FLOE’s mission.