Ricky Gervais, with beautiful Beagle Betsy.

FLOE's Patron, Peter Egan, with Betsy.

Photos © Joseph Sinclair/FLOE

Dr Jane Goodall calls for a peer-reveiwed science hearing

Preeminent primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall is calling for a peer-reviewed science hearing about the claims of animal testing, to be judged by independent experts from the relevant fields of science.

In her filmed statement, Dr. Goodall highlights a precedent medical ruling which defeated plans by Cambridge University to build a non-human primate lab, in 2002. Cambridge University wanted to build their proposed lab on Green Belt land and had to prove that their experiments were going to be in the ‘national interest’. Leading expert Dr. Ray Greek was engaged as chief scientific witness for the coalition against the lab, and after a two week Public Inquiry he secured a precedent ruling ‘on medical and scientific, national interest grounds’ – defeating plans to build the primate lab with current scientific knowledge.